Hi, we’re Atlas.

We’re on a mission to make finding and securing housing easy, flexible, and safe.

Our Tools:

  • Atlas Rooms: See every available room on the internet the day it's posted.
  • Atlas Profiles: Send beautiful, resume-like profiles to connect with listers.
  • Atlas Pay: Send security deposits securely, with no risk of scams.
  • Atlas Agreements: Seal it all off with the most comprehensive sublease agreement on the internet.

Our Beliefs

Finding and paying for sublets online should be straightforward and secure. Housing is already challenging to find—you shouldn’t have to worry about scams or surprise fees. Security deposits should be protected, and you should have full transparency into your rental terms.

As a subletter, you deserve clarity and protection. We’re here to ensure you’re never left guessing about your rental or your rights. No more scams. No more uncertainty. You deserve a better way to sublet.

Get in Touch

We're building new features everyday to help you get the housing you need quickly and safely. Want a new feature? Have a question? We're all ears. Book a call with us here (https://cal.com/atlasrooms/15min), or send us a message below. We respond within 24 hours, guaranteed.

Work With Us

We're obsessed with helping our customers find housing easily and safely, and our products reflect this. We're always looking for people who want to work with a team committed to making a real difference in our world. Shoot us a message below.

